PREMIUM WEEKEND PASS: Includes advance option to purchase convention exclusives on Friday night in a private area, front of the line for early admission to the TFcon dealer room Saturday morning, access to TFcon programming and show floor on both days – $120
WEEKEND PASS: Includes early admission on Saturday, access to TFcon programming all weekend, and show floor on both days – $60
SATURDAY GENERAL ADMISSION: Entry after 12 pm, access to TFcon programming and show floor – $30
SUNDAY PASS: Access to TFcon programming and show floor on Sunday – $25
KIDS PASS: Children between 5 and 12 are $5. There is no charge for children under 5 years of age.
Guest appearances are subject to cancellation or schedule change, due to professional commitments. Some guests may charge additional fees for autographs and/or photos. All sales are final, with no exchanges, transfers, or refunds for any reason.