TFcon is very happy to announce Venus Terzo the voice of Blackarachnia in Beast Wars and Beast Machines will be a guest at TFcon Baltimore 2021. She will be attending all weekend signing for fans.
Venus Terzo is presented by The Chosen Prime.
TFcon Chicago 2025 – October 24-26 – Sat 9-6 Sun 10-4 – Crowne Plaza Chicago O’Hare Hotel & Conference Center
TFcon – America's largest fan-run Transformers convention
America's largest fan-run Transformers convention
by TFcon
TFcon is very happy to announce Venus Terzo the voice of Blackarachnia in Beast Wars and Beast Machines will be a guest at TFcon Baltimore 2021. She will be attending all weekend signing for fans.
Venus Terzo is presented by The Chosen Prime.
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